Interpretation Workshop March 20, 2025, with Sophie Larivière
- Description
- How to participate
- Date, time and place
- Participation of non-members
- Program and music
- Sign-up sheet
For questions or to report an issue, write us at
The MRS offers an Interpretation Workshop as part of its sight-reading sessions. The level of the Interpretation Workshop is intentionally more advanced than that of regular sight-readings. The pieces are available in advance so participants can rehearse beforehand. Participants choose themselves the voice they wish to play for each piece.
This year, the Interpretation Workshop will take place on Thursday, March 20, under the direction of Sophie Larivière.
There are XXXX pieces on the program:
- A
- B
The detailed program with important notes and the scores are available at the bottom of this page. Follow the instructions below to obtain them and to sign up. Signing up in advance is necessary for making sure that the parts are well distributed among the participants.
1. Consult the program and the scores at the bottom of this page and choose which part to play in each piece.
2. Sign up on the sign up sheet. Enter your full name into the online file in an empty box under the part you choose for each piece. Scroll down to see all 5 pieces.
Note: The file is saved automatically when it is modified. All you have to do is to close your browser window once you have finished entering your choices. You can reopen the file and modify your choices. Please do not modify the entries of other participants.
2. Sign up on the sign up sheet. Enter your full name into the online file in an empty box under the part you choose for each piece. Scroll down to see all 5 pieces.
Note: The file is saved automatically when it is modified. All you have to do is to close your browser window once you have finished entering your choices. You can reopen the file and modify your choices. Please do not modify the entries of other participants.
3. Print the parts you will be playing. Music will not be distributed the night of the Workshop.
4. Study and practice the pieces in order to get the most out of the Workshop.
5. Participate on Thursday, March 20! Don’t forget to bring the music you printed out, your recorders, your music stand and a pencil.
Interpretation Workshop (Sight-reading session 6 in the calendar)
Date: Thursday, March 20, 2025
Direction: Sophie Larivière
Time: from 7:00 P.M. to 9:30 P.M.
Place: École de musique Vincent-d'Indy
Date: Thursday, March 20, 2025
Direction: Sophie Larivière
Time: from 7:00 P.M. to 9:30 P.M.
Place: École de musique Vincent-d'Indy
Room: 450
Non-members must contact the MRS to get a link to the scores. If you know a non-member who is interested in participating, ask them to contact us at to obtain the details.
The participation cost is $15 for non-members.
There are XXXXXXX documents:
- Program: one page document that can be used as the index for the two other documents, Scores and Parts.
- Scores: 24 pages document containing the scores for the 5 pièces. Refer to the Program document for page numbers for each piece.
- Parts: 14 pages document containing individual parts for two pieces, Chaconne (Purcell) and Danza Pastorale (Vivaldi). Refer to the Program document for page numbers for each part.
Metronome marks are found at the beginning of each piece in the Scores document. XXXXXXXX
Parts suitable for intermediate II (Harmonia) level are indicated by stars in the Scores document. For Morley's piece, all parts are of similar difficulty.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX