Sight Reading with Sophie Larivière - January 16, 2020
The next sight reading session of the season will be this Thursday with Sophie Larivière.
Sight Reading 4
Director: Sophie Larivière
Date: Thursday, January 16, 2020
Time: 7:00 to 9:30 P.M.
Place: École de Musique Vincent d'Indy, 628 chemin de la Côte Sainte Catherine, Outremont, H2V 2C5 (Édouard-Montpetit metro)
Room Number: 450
This activity is open to everyone at the Harmonia (Intermediate II) level or above; see the website for details. Don't forget to bring your recorders, your music stand and a pencil! The cost for non-members is $15, and the activity is free for members.
Guidelines for making music together in a respectful environment are on our website - take a look!
The complete schedule for the season's sight reading activities is in the Calendar.
Sight-reading evenings take place approximately once per month. There are around 8 sessions every season. Each sight-reading evening is directed by a different professional musician. The music sheets are distributed at the beginning of the evening.