Postponing the winter 2022 session

Following the announcement by the Quebec government of additional measures that came into effect on December 31 at 5 p.m. in order to slow the progression of the transmission of COVID-19, the Board of Directors (Board) of the MRS made the difficult decision to postpone at least until March 1, 2022 the start of the winter session for all practice groups. In a spirit of fairness, the postponment targets all practice groups.
The Board is working with the musical directors of the practice groups to postpone the 3 or 4 practices (depending on the group) for January and February, between March 1 and June 24, 2022, assuming it will be possible to meet at that moment. In the end, the groups will have the same number of practices as planned but over a shorter period.
In addition, the Board is working on a program of virtual activities for January and February. Details to follow!
The Board will continue to monitor the situation closely and keep you informed. Thank you for your understanding and flexibility!