Interpretation Workshop with Alexa Raine-Wright - February 20, 2020

Every year, the MRS offers an Interpretation Workshop as part of its sight-reading sessions. The level of the Interpretation Workshop is intentionally more advanced than that of regular sight-readings. The pieces are available in advance so participants can rehearse beforehand. Participants choose themselves the voice they wish to play for each piece.
This year, we will have the pleasure of being directed by Alexa Raine-Wright.
This activity is open to non-members ($15) and members (no additional cost) who can play to proposed pieces.
The detailed program and the scores are now online!
Members: You will find music scores and instructions on the Interpretation Workshop 2020 page which is accessible from the Member Zone.
Non-Members: To obtain the music scores, contact us at
Interpretation Workshop (Sight Reading 5)
Direction: Alexa Raine-Wright
Date: Thursday, February 20, 2020
Time: 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM
Place: École de musique Vincent-d'Indy
Room: 450