Enrollment period open for the 2023-24 season!

The registration period for the 2023-24 season is now open! You have until August 31, 2023 to sign up.
To register, follow the instructions on the page How to register. You'll find links to sections that contain important information for your registration, including the steps to register electronically.
Highlights of the upcoming season:
- Because of our dear Gilles Plante leaving, the Board had to make the difficult decision to put Flute en Suite on hiatus in 2023-2024. The members of this group will be able to join Harmonia or give themselves the challenge of registering for La Follia. The directors of these two groups will welcome them with pleasure!
- Élyse Lamanque Girard will be directing Discover the Recorder, and Harmonia to replace Marie-Laurence.
- Jérémie de Pierre will be directing Recorder for Fun.
- Dates for La Follia will be confirmed shortly. Practices will take place on Monday evenings every two weeks as usual.
- It will no longer be necessary to provide a photo to use the back door. All you have to do is ring the bell and mention the Montreal Recorder Society. The receptionist will open the door.
Immediately save the date of Saturday, September 30 for the return of the Journée de la flûte à bec! The MRS and Flûte Alors! are again working together to revive this event for the delight of many recorder players! Information on the program and registration will follow. The activity will take place at École de musique Vincent-d'Indy.
The Welcome Cocktail will take place on August 30, 2023. Members and all potential members are invited - introduce your friends to the fun of recorder playing! The directors will present their programs for the year. It will be an excellent opportunity to discuss with them what group to join, if you're new to the MRS or are considering changing groups. In addition, there will be a flea market: we invite you to bring the scores and instruments that you would like to sell that evening and what you need to pay for your purchases!
It will be possible to enroll the same evening. Welcome to new members!
Welcome Cocktail
Date: Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Time: 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Place: Ecole de musique Vincent d'Indy, 628 chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Outremont, H2V 2C5 (Edouard-Montpetit metro)
See you soon!
Your BOD