Enrolment for Winter 2022
Date: 14 December 2021autor:
Gabrielle Soucy
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The registration period for Winter 2022 has begun! Due to the limited number of spaces per group, we are exceptionally opening enrolment to fall 2021 members with priority until Sunday December 19th. Afterwards, members and non-members will be able to register.
+ Fall 2021 Members: Pre-registration until Sunday December 19, 2021
+ All: You have until January 10, 2022 to send us your registration form
For the upcoming season:
- Three sight readings are planned and will be confirmed depending on the COVID situation. Stay tuned!
- The annual general assembly is scheduled for June 2022. Depending on the situation, this event may be held in virtual mode.
- As far as concerts are concerned, we are assessing the situation.
- The vaccination passport remains mandatory for in-person gatherings.
- Click here to access the registration page
- The password is required until December 19 inclusively (For Fall 2021 members only)
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